The working conditions of some professions cause higher rates of depression. Surprisingly, the professionals responsible for treating medical conditions like depression are actually quite prone to be depressed. In fact, recent studies have found that 1 in 4 doctors in the early stages of their career are struggling with depression. As a physician, it can be easy for you to overlook your own condition. However, if you are feeling depressed, here are 3 tips you should consider.
Seek Professional Help and Support
While you might be a professional yourself, don't try to diagnose or treat your own condition. Many physicians are hesitant to seek help as they are concerned about the stigma that depression carries, and this often leads to substance abuse. Recognize that the only person stopping yourself from getting better is you.
Don't try to self-medicate, as there's a good chance that you'll only spiral even further into depression. While this might seem like common sense, make sure you seek professional help and support from another physician, as another physician will be much more subjective than yourself and will be able to recommend more suitable treatments. Don't hesitate to reach out to your colleagues for support, as there's a good chance that someone else is going through the same thing as you.
Schedule Time to Sleep to Avoid Burning Out
Depression is prevalent in doctors because the burnout rate for their profession is extremely high, with those working in family and emergency medicine suffering the most. As a doctor, you might be tempted to forgo sleep in order to spend more time treating your patients. While this is a very noble of you, keep in mind that your health and mental condition will directly affect your decision-making abilities. In short, don't skimp out on sleep. You'll see your mood improve if you schedule at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
If you're working long shifts, purchase a sofa bed for your office. When you have some free time, take power naps. You'll feel a lot more refreshed throughout the day.
Document Your Feelings in Response to Negative Events
As doctors often interact with patients suffering from serious medical conditions, many doctors tend to take the health of their patients very personally. This often leads to depressive thoughts. It's important that you recognize that it is not your fault if your patient does not recover.
Being mindful of your thoughts can help you identify triggers and also work through your own emotions. Find an outlet to document your feelings when certain negative events happen. For example, if the medical condition of a patient of yours has worsened, write it down. Write out how you feel. Share these emotions at group or individual therapy sessions.
Don't stay depressed. As a doctor, you have an even bigger responsibility to make sure that you stay aware of your own mental and physical health. If you have been feeling rather down lately, don't wait. Visit a company like Dr Kuris Counseling Centers to get the help you need immediately.
Counseling can be a great help with many aspects of your life. Whether you are struggling with your work life, personal life or love life, talking with someone who can help you wrap your head around the way that you are feeling can help you find balance and create a better way of life for yourself. Our blog will show you several ways that a counselor can help you with the different areas of your life. You will also learn a few tips that can help you improve things on your own and information to help you know what to expect when you go to a counselor for the first time.