how counseling can change your life

how counseling can change your life

  • Group Therapy: Why You Should Consider It

    Whether you have recently lost a loved one, are a victim of bullying, or are just severely depressed and need emotional support, you may want to consider going to group therapy as opposed to individual therapy—or at least consider a combination of the two. Group therapy is designed to bring together individuals who have similar experiences to discuss their situations and feelings, process what is going on inside themselves, and, ultimately, heal.

  • Reasons To Consider Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

    If you or a loved one is suffering from substance abuse, you are hopefully looking at one more options to get the help that you or they need. One possible solution you might want to consider is outpatient substance abuse treatment. Here are just some of the benefits that an outpatient program can provide. It's Less Expensive If you are on a tight budget but know that you need help, outpatient therapy can provide assistance without torpedoing your savings.

  • Can Marriages Really Be Saved? That Depends On Marriage Counseling Discoveries

    Marriage is not an easy thing. You can no longer choose to do as you please, as you did when you were single. You try to live as you did, but then you cause problems with your spouse. When the honeymoon phase is definitely over, you may be thinking that you made the wrong choice in marrying this person. Maybe you did, or maybe your marriage needs more work. In a country where half of all first marriages end in divorce, and three quarters of all second and succeeding marriages end in divorce, can your marriage really be saved?

  • Thinking About Moving? Consider Seeing A Marriage Counselor

    If it looks as though you and your spouse are going to move, you likely have a long to-do list that requires your attention. Before you get too far into the list, it's time to add one more item — visit a marriage counselor. Seeing a counselor might be the last thing on your agenda at this busy time in your life, but this can be just the time to sit down with a neutral third-party and discuss the move with your significant other.

  • Ways That Mental Health Issues Could Negatively Impact Your Career

    When you notice signs of even a minor mental health issue, it's important to understand that moving forward without seeking help can allow the issue to negatively impact several areas of your life. One such area is your career — even if you're highly adept at your job, a mental health issue for which you aren't getting help may limit your ability to move upward in the company, and could even threaten your employment.

About Me

how counseling can change your life

Counseling can be a great help with many aspects of your life. Whether you are struggling with your work life, personal life or love life, talking with someone who can help you wrap your head around the way that you are feeling can help you find balance and create a better way of life for yourself. Our blog will show you several ways that a counselor can help you with the different areas of your life. You will also learn a few tips that can help you improve things on your own and information to help you know what to expect when you go to a counselor for the first time.
